#1991 closed defect (fixed)
geocode really slow on PostgreSQL 9.2
Reported by: | robe | Owned by: | robe |
Priority: | medium | Milestone: | PostGIS 2.0.2 |
Component: | tiger geocoder | Version: | master |
Keywords: | history | Cc: |
Description ¶
I'm not sure if this is just something I'm missing in settings with the new PostgreSQL or a fundamental issue with the new PostgreSQL planner.
I have 3 parallel windows PostgreSQL instances — 8.4 32-bit running PostGIS 1.5 (on older clunky 32-bit windows 2003 box)
on new Windows 2008 R2 same box: 9.1 64-bit running PostGIS 2.1.0 SVN, 9.2 64-bit running PostGIS 2.1.0 SVN.
On the 9.1 and 8.4, my MA data standard geocodes even with supplementary augmented parcel check completes in about 30-200ms.
On 9.2 instance with same dataset. It takes 8-30 seconds. Yap.
I compared the plans and it seems 9.2 is not using a bitmap index scan for this particular query I have. I have narrowed it to this construct.
-- 10 seconds WITH a AS ( SELECT * FROM (SELECT f.*, ad.side, ad.zip, ad.fromhn, ad.tohn, RANK() OVER(ORDER BY diff_zip(ad.zip,'02124') + CASE WHEN lower(f.name) = lower('Evans') THEN 0 ELSE levenshtein_ignore_case(f.name, lower('Evans') ) END + levenshtein_ignore_case(f.fullname, lower('Evans' || ' ' || COALESCE('St','')) ) + CASE WHEN (greatest_hn(ad.fromhn,ad.tohn) % 2)::integer = ('22' % 2)::integer THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN '22'::integer BETWEEN least_hn(ad.fromhn,ad.tohn) AND greatest_hn(ad.fromhn, ad.tohn) THEN 0 ELSE 4 END + CASE WHEN lower('St') = lower(f.suftypabrv) OR lower('St') = lower(f.pretypabrv) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + rate_attributes(NULL, f.predirabrv, 'Evans', f.name , 'St', suftypabrv , NULL, sufdirabrv, prequalabr) ) As rank FROM featnames As f INNER JOIN addr As ad ON (f.tlid = ad.tlid) WHERE '25' = f.statefp AND '25' = ad.statefp AND lower(f.name) = lower('Evans') AND ( ad.zip = ANY('{02123,02124,02125}'::varchar[]) ) ) AS foo ORDER BY rank LIMIT 3 ) SELECT a.tlid, a.fullname, a.name, a.predirabrv, a.suftypabrv, a.sufdirabrv, a.prequalabr, a.pretypabrv, b.the_geom, tfidr, tfidl, a.side , a.fromhn, a.tohn, a.zip, p.name as place FROM a INNER JOIN edges As b ON (a.statefp = b.statefp AND a.tlid = b.tlid ) INNER JOIN faces AS f ON ('25' = f.statefp AND ( (b.tfidl = f.tfid AND a.side = 'L') OR (b.tfidr = f.tfid AND a.side = 'R' ) )) INNER JOIN place p ON ('25' = p.statefp AND f.placefp = p.placefp ) WHERE a.statefp = '25' AND b.statefp = '25' ;
Which can be worked around by switching to this:
-- 92 ms -- WITH a AS ( SELECT * FROM (SELECT f.*, ad.side, ad.zip, ad.fromhn, ad.tohn, RANK() OVER(ORDER BY diff_zip(ad.zip,'02124') + CASE WHEN lower(f.name) = lower('Evans') THEN 0 ELSE levenshtein_ignore_case(f.name, lower('Evans') ) END + levenshtein_ignore_case(f.fullname, lower('Evans' || ' ' || COALESCE('St','')) ) + CASE WHEN (greatest_hn(ad.fromhn,ad.tohn) % 2)::integer = ('22' % 2)::integer THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + CASE WHEN '22'::integer BETWEEN least_hn(ad.fromhn,ad.tohn) AND greatest_hn(ad.fromhn, ad.tohn) THEN 0 ELSE 4 END + CASE WHEN lower('St') = lower(f.suftypabrv) OR lower('St') = lower(f.pretypabrv) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END + rate_attributes(NULL, f.predirabrv, 'Evans', f.name , 'St', suftypabrv , NULL, sufdirabrv, prequalabr) ) As rank FROM featnames As f INNER JOIN addr As ad ON (f.tlid = ad.tlid) WHERE '25' = f.statefp AND '25' = ad.statefp AND lower(f.name) = lower('Evans') AND ( ad.zip = ANY('{02123,02124,02125}'::varchar[]) ) ) AS foo ORDER BY rank LIMIT 3 ) SELECT a.tlid, a.fullname, a.name, a.predirabrv, a.suftypabrv, a.sufdirabrv, a.prequalabr, a.pretypabrv, b.the_geom, tfidr, tfidl, a.side , a.fromhn, a.tohn, a.zip, p.name as place FROM a INNER JOIN edges As b ON (a.statefp = b.statefp AND a.tlid = b.tlid ) INNER JOIN faces AS f ON ('25' = f.statefp AND ( (b.tfidl = f.tfid ) OR (b.tfidr = f.tfid ) )) INNER JOIN place p ON ('25' = p.statefp AND f.placefp = p.placefp ) WHERE a.statefp = '25' AND b.statefp = '25' AND ( (b.tfidl = f.tfid AND a.side = 'L') OR (b.tfidr = f.tfid AND a.side = 'R' ) );
I'll encode this revision if I conclude it's not just something screwy with my setup and also report it up the chain if I conclude it is a PostgreSQL 9.2 issue, which I suspect it is.
Note: there is nothing spatial in the above query, so I think PostGIS is off the hook.
Change History (3)
comment:1 by , 12 years ago
comment:2 by , 12 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
Okay rather than change my code, I'm just going to set join_collapse_limit='2' for both the geocode_address and geocode_intersection functions. As this yields a dramatic improvement on my PostgreSQL 9.2 instance, and doesn't seem to reduce speed of my 8.4 instance.
comment:3 by , 12 years ago
Keywords: | history added |
Okay it seems in 9.2, reducing the join collapse limit makes it behave as fast as the old versions
Make both queries work at the faster speed and use the bitmapor strategy again.So not sure this is a real issue or just something to be cognizant of.
The default is 8, but if I increase above 4 it gets bad.